Saturday 16 February 2008

parents oustation

my parents are in hong kong now. they went there yestreday. D:
haih. whatever lah.
now. i shall express my deepest darkest feelings.

this year, is my SPM year. i hate it. i really really hate it.
my mom forces me to take 12 freaking subjects. DUDE.
it is MY SPM. not hers. NOT HERS.
and i know that i can't cope. because i have TOO MANY already,
she NEVER understands me. Just because her friends's children ALL- who are smartypants-
take 12 subjects, doesn't mean that i MUST take 12 subjects. dude. I KNOW WHERE I STAND.
I KNOW that i can't study 12 subjects with such limited time. ugh.

i wanted to drop physics. but my dad convinced me that physics might help or whatsoever.
OK. i'll take physics. nevermind. because jun lin offered to teach me and i have tuition. blah blah blah.
yeah, whatever. but i don't wanna take bible study now. it is a waste of time.
plus, i am very busy already. when i come back from school, i'll be rushing for tuitions.
rushing rushing and rushing. it's what you call a stereotype life. or whatever.
when i come back, i'll have to do chores. and then later, study-if i can-.
i know i always complain and stuff. but i really don't wanna take bible study.
and. my mom likes to compare others with me. especially the SMARTYPANTS kinda ppl.
" look, they got ___A's ."
" look, _________ got first in singing,"
" look, _________ got first in _______."
does she know that i am me and i AM ALSO special?
well, obviously she doesn't.
she never knows.
she never knows.
i'm worthless to her.

1 comment:

Jane Lee said...

You can do it. You're a smartypants! :D

Don't think negative, GO ON WITH IT! YEAH!

- your dumbass cousin, Jane