Saturday 28 June 2008


Just can't stop talking.
yak yak yakkity-yak.
it's a miracle i have not once foam and start spasming on the floor.
has anyone told her to keep her mouth shut?
just for 5 minutes?
i will praise the lord for keeping her mouth shut.
just like how he tol his angels to keep the lions' mouths shut
when Elijah was thrown into their den.
yeah, THAT.
~ 000000 ~
for 3 and a half years, i have to bear with it.
and i still remember when i was in form 2,
she wasn't even nice to me.
until we went to form 3,
just all of a sudden,
she starts talking to me
as if i'm her LONG LOST friend.
which was very....weird.
even i myself couldn't believe it.
but then , hey, WTH.
if she wants to talk to me,
then talk.
if she wants to bitch about me,
then bitch all she wants.
it's her mouth, afterall.
that's SO two faced.
imagining her talking bad about you behind your back,
and the next minute,
she comes up to you with her warmest smile,
and asks you for help.
like, WHAT?

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