Tuesday 11 March 2008

extra class

today is the last day of my extra class.
first, i gotta list down the things that i wanna talk about
before i forget them.
1. text msges last night
2. incident this morning(H)
3. incident this morning (school)
4, after school.

text messages last night,
i was texted him laSt night,
but. he didn't wanna talk.
i guess. so i ended it early.
gave some lame reason like
i gotta sleep now.
although it was 9 pm.
freaking lame.

2. incident this morning (home)
when i was rushing rushing rushing
this morning, i placed my bag on top
on the shoe rack thing,
my bag, which is horribly BIG,
slammed into the Jesus picture thing.
THEN. my dad gave me a hard, cold stare.
geez. it was an accident,
not like i did it on purpose.
and i told him that i'm sorry.
so, i picked it up and put it back.
stil he gave me the hard, cold stare. D:
MISERABLE morning.

3. incident this morning (school)
i was running like a madwoman this morning,
because i was late for MR YOW's extra class.
i met carmen on the way and we were freaking
like chickens.
and before we reach the class, we were practising outside
what kind of reason we can give mr yow.
but, the TRUTH is always the best
so we told him that we were late and very very sorry.
he didn't say anything, so i guess we were safe..
then, he asked me if i told the others that extra class was at this morning
i said i told kok wai to tell them. because i didn't have their number and it was last minute and stuff.
ugh. that fool. he didn't tell them.
irresponsible guy. haih.
i shall never place my trust on him, ANYMORE.
so later, mr yow asked if i finished my homework.
i nod my head jerkily.
like the puppet thingies you see in cars, the one on the dashboards.
then. sat in front of mr yow for 15 minutes, with richard.
to discuss answers. but. all my answeres were WRONG.
damn embarrassed. T.T
ok. so BIO.
5C and 5M ( my class) combined together.
i sat with my friends
and they asked me who was the guy that i like.
i told them which one was him.
the one in white clothes and jeans.
umm. then they saw him.
okay... ;___________:
a guy version of me. it has never happened to me before.
interesting. it's either he looks like a girl,
or i, unfortunately, look like a boy. D:
i think it must be the second one. xD

4. after school
today, we left school very very early
earlier than usual. xD
because bio was put in the morning.
as mr chew went to vietnam with his MRS.
not mistress, ha. ha. ha. ( this was what mr chew said.)
so lame.
and i was freaking paranoid because i thought he didn't want to talk to me anymore.
and i kept saying that i was stupid.
then my friends kept asking why and helped me out.
so, they temaned me to wait for my mom.
lol. they were skipping chemistry. tsk tsk.xD
then we talked about relationships and stuff.
then, according to amanda,
when she turned around to look at him,
-many many times-
she said, he was looking at me.
and kept looking at me.

shit. how the heck am i going to end this?

and i guess, this is the LONGEST blog i've ever written in my life.

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